Scrapsrific Rainbow Crochet Blanket Part Three – Free Crochet Along

The Scrapsrific Rainbow Crochet Blanket Part Three is part of a fun, unique blanket worked in a variety of stitches and squares.
A puzzle constructed as you crochet.

Scrapsrific Rainbow Blanket Part Three - Free Crochet Pattern | Creative Crochet Workshop @creativecrochetworkshop #freecrochetpattern #grannysquare #afghansquare #crochetalong #ccwscrapsrificrainbowblanket


Abbreviations:  US Terminology

CH – chain
SL ST – slip stitch
SC – single crochet (UK – DC)
HDC – half double crochet (UK – HTR)
DC – double crochet (UK – TR)
TR – treble crochet (UK – DTR)
BLP – back loop
RS – Right side
WS – Wrong side

For more information about this crochet along CLICK HERE!


Colors – completely optional

  • A – natural
  • B – sepia
  • C – marigold
  • D – sherbet
  • E – kiwi
  • F – mint
  • G – turquoise
  • H – azure
  • I – watermelon
  • J – pomegranate



  • READ the instructions through first;
  • special stitches are noted and linked to tutorials (if necessary) for each part;
  • please check your stitch count – this IS important for joining!
  • All sizes mentioned are approximate only – this ALL depends on YOUR hook, YOUR yarn and YOUR tension.
    – for this project to be joined with the least effort be sure to use the SAME hook throughout!
  • I use US Crochet stitch terminology.

My Hook:
4.00 mm

CH – chain
SL ST – slip stitch
SC – single crochet
HDC – half double crochet
DC – double crochet
TR – treble crochet
BLP – back loop

Special Stitches:
Magic Circle – photo tutorial courtesy of M and M Crochet Designs
Standing DC – photo tutorial courtesy of M and M Crochet Designs

FPDC: Front Post Double Crochet – video courtesy of Fiber Flux

4DCtog – Cluster – video by Joanita Theron

5 DC Popcorn:

Starting PC – CH 3 (counts as your first DC); work 4 DC – work popcorn – Photo tutorial shows exactly how to!

Photo tutorial – Look At What I Made

Video tutorial – Hopeful Honey


What you will crochet:

4 x 6 inch (15 cm) squares:

  • 2 x Popcorn 3D Flower Square
  • 2 x Rainbow Carpet Square

Rounds 5 and 6 of a 12 inch (30 cm) – only 1 – continued from Part Two


Popcorn 3D Flower Square: Make 2

Colors I used:

  • square 1 –  C marigold; G turquoise; A natural; E kiwi;  B sepia and G turquoise
  • square 2 – D sherbet; H azure; A natural; F mint; B sepia and H azure

Takes approx to 30/45 minutes to make one square – depending on skill and how quickly you crochet.

With yarn – Make a magic circle / or CH 6; SL ST to form a circle

RND 1: CH 3 (counts as 1 DC) or do the Standing DC/ work 15 DC into circle.
SL ST into 3rd of 3 CH or into top of Standing DC. Fasten off and weave in ends.

Popcorn 3D Flower Square Free Crochet Pattern | Creative Crochet Workshop @creativecrochetworkshop #freecrochetpattern #grannysquare #afghansquare #crochetalong #ccwscrapsrificrainbowblanket

Join with new color into ANY DC

RND 2: Work Starting PC; CH 3; *skip next DC; work PC into next DC; CH 3.**
Repeat from * to ** 6 more times; SL ST into top of starting PC.
Fasten off and weave in ends.
(8 PC – popcorns;  8 x 3 CH spaces)

Popcorn 3D Flower Square Free Crochet Pattern | Creative Crochet Workshop @creativecrochetworkshop #freecrochetpattern #grannysquare #afghansquare #crochetalong #ccwscrapsrificrainbowblanket

Join with new color into ANY 3 CH space

RND 3: CH 3 (counts as 1 DC) or do the Standing DC/ work [CH 2; 1 DC] into SAME space; work 1 FPDC around next PC.
*Work [1 DC; CH 2; 1 DC] into next 3 CH space; work 1 FPDC around next PC.**
Repeat from *to** 6 more times. SL ST into 3rd of 3 CH.
Fasten off and weave in ends.
(8 x FPDC; 16 DC; 8 x 2 CH spaces )

NOTE: the FPDC will ‘pop’ the ‘flower’ up – this is what is SHOULD do!

Popcorn 3D Flower Square Free Crochet Pattern | Creative Crochet Workshop @creativecrochetworkshop #freecrochetpattern #grannysquare #afghansquare #crochetalong #ccwscrapsrificrainbowblanket Popcorn 3D Flower Square Free Crochet Pattern | Creative Crochet Workshop @creativecrochetworkshop #freecrochetpattern #grannysquare #afghansquare #crochetalong #ccwscrapsrificrainbowblanket

With new yarn join into ANY 2 CH space

RND 4: CH 3 (counts as 1 DC) or do the Standing DC/ work [CH 2; 1 DC] into SAME space;  work 1 DC into next DC; work 1 FPDC around next FPDC; work 1 DC into next DC.
*Work [1 DC; CH 2; 1 DC] into next 2 CH space; work 1 DC into next DC; work 1 FPDC around next FPDC; work 1 DC into next DC.**
Repeat from * to ** 6 more times; SL ST into 3rd CH of 3 CH or top of standing DC.
Fasten off and weave in ends.
(8 x FPDC; 32 DC; 8 x 2 CH spaces )

Popcorn 3D Flower Square Free Crochet Pattern | Creative Crochet Workshop @creativecrochetworkshop #freecrochetpattern #grannysquare #afghansquare #crochetalong #ccwscrapsrificrainbowblanket

With new yarn join into ANY  FPDC

RND 5: *CH 4 (counts as 1 TR); CH 2; work 1 TR into same space; CH 3; work 1 DC into next 2 CH space; CH 3; work 1 HDC into next FPDC; CH 3; work 1 DC into next 2 CH space; CH 3.
*Work [1 TR; 2 CH; 1 TR] into next FPDC; CH 3; work 1 DC into next 2 CH space; CH 3; work 1 HDC into next FPDC; CH 3; work 1 DC into next 2 CH space; CH 3.**
Repeat from * to ** 2 more times. SL ST into 4th CH of 4 CH.
Fasten off and weave in ends.

Popcorn 3D Flower Square Free Crochet Pattern | Creative Crochet Workshop @creativecrochetworkshop #freecrochetpattern #grannysquare #afghansquare #crochetalong #ccwscrapsrificrainbowblanket

With new yarn join into ANY 2 CH corner space/ or continue with same yarn

RND 6: CH 3 (counts as 1 DC/ or do the STANDING DC  – work [1DC; 2 CH; 2 DC] into same corner space;
work 1 DC into next TR; work 3 DC into next 3 CH space; work 1 DC into next DC;
work 3 DC into next 3 CH space; work 1 DC into next HDC; work 3 DC into next 3 CH space;
work 1 DC into next DC; work 3 DC into next 3 CH space; work 1 DC into next TR.
*Work [2 DC; 2 CH; 2 DC] into next corner space;
work 1 DC into next TR; work 3 DC into next 3 CH space; work 1 DC into next DC;
work 3 DC into next 3 CH space; work 1 DC into next HDC; work 3 DC into next 3 CH space;
work 1 DC into next DC; work 3 DC into next 3 CH space; work 1 DC into next TR.**
Repeat from * to ** 2 more times; SL ST into 3rd of 3 CH. (21 DC on each side)
Fasten off and weave in ends.

Popcorn 3D Flower Square Free Crochet Pattern | Creative Crochet Workshop @creativecrochetworkshop #freecrochetpattern #grannysquare #afghansquare #crochetalong #ccwscrapsrificrainbowblanket

With new yarn join into ANY 2 CH corner space

RND 7: CH 3 (counts as 1 DC/ or do the STANDING DC  – work [1DC; 2 CH; 2 DC] into same corner space;
work 1 DC into each of next 21 DC.
*Work [2DC; 2 CH; 2 DC] into next corner space;
work 1 DC into each of next 21 DC.**
Repeat from * to ** 2 more times; SL ST into 3rd of 3 CH.
Fasten off and weave in ends.

Popcorn 3D Flower Square Free Crochet Pattern | Creative Crochet Workshop @creativecrochetworkshop #freecrochetpattern #grannysquare #afghansquare #crochetalong #ccwscrapsrificrainbowblanket

Popcorn 3D Flower Square Free Crochet Pattern | Creative Crochet Workshop @creativecrochetworkshop #freecrochetpattern #grannysquare #afghansquare #crochetalong #ccwscrapsrificrainbowblanket Popcorn 3D Flower Square Free Crochet Pattern | Creative Crochet Workshop @creativecrochetworkshop #freecrochetpattern #grannysquare #afghansquare #crochetalong #ccwscrapsrificrainbowblanket

If you count the STITCHES from corner to corner (2 CH space to 2 CH space) you SHOULD have 25 STS.
The square should approx measure 6 inches (15 cm)

Rainbow Carpet Square: Make 2

  • square 1 – D sherbet; C marigold; F mint; E kiwi; J pomegranate; I watermelon; H azure; G turquoise;
  • square 2 – G turquoise; H azure; I watermelon; J pomegranate; E kiwi; F mint; C marigold; D sherbet

Takes approx to 30/45 minutes to make one square – depending on skill and how quickly you crochet.

With first color – Make a magic circle / or CH 6; SL ST to form a circle

RND 1: CH 3 (counts as 1 DC); work 2 DC into circle; *CH 2; work 3 DC into circle.**
Repeat from * to ** 2 more times; CH 2; SL ST into 3rd of 3 CH.
Fasten off and weave in ends.

With new yarn join into the any 2 CH corner

RND 2: *Work [1 SC; CH 2; 1 SC] into corner; work 1 SC into next 3 DC.**
Repeat from * to ** 3 more times; SL ST into first SC worked.
(5 SC on each side)
Fasten off and weave in ends.

With new yarn join into the any 2 CH corner

RND 3: CH 3 (counts as 1 DC/ or do the STANDING DC  – work [1 DC; 2 CH; 2 DC] into same corner space;
work 1 DC into next 5 SC.
*Work [2 DC; 2 CH; 2 DC] into next corner; work 1 DC into next 5 SC**
Repeat from * to ** 2 more times; SL ST into 3rd of 3 CH.
(9 DC on each side)
Fasten off and weave in ends.

With new yarn join into the any 2 CH corner

RND 4: *Work [1 SC; CH 2; 1 SC] into corner; work 1 SC into next 9 DC.**
Repeat from * to ** 3 more times; SL ST into first SC worked.
(11 SC on each side)
Fasten off and weave in ends.

With new yarn join into the any 2 CH corner

RND 5: CH 3 (counts as 1 DC/ or do the STANDING DC  – work [1 DC; 2 CH; 2 DC] into same corner space;
work 1 DC into next 11 SC.
*Work [2 DC; 2 CH; 2 DC] into next corner; work 1 DC into next 11 SC**
Repeat from * to ** 2 more times; SL ST into 3rd of 3 CH.
(15 DC on each side)
Fasten off and weave in ends.

With new yarn join into the any 2 CH corner

RND 6: *Work [1 SC; CH 2; 1 SC] into corner; work 1 SC into next 15 DC.**
Repeat from * to ** 3 more times; SL ST into first SC worked.
(17 SC on each side)
Fasten off and weave in ends.

With new yarn join into the any 2 CH corner

RND 7: CH 3 (counts as 1 DC/ or do the STANDING DC  – work [1 DC; 2 CH; 2 DC] into same corner space;
work 1 DC into next 17 SC.
*Work [2 DC; 2 CH; 2 DC] into next corner; work 1 DC into next 17 SC**
Repeat from * to ** 2 more times; SL ST into 3rd of 3 CH.
(21 DC on each side)
Fasten off and weave in ends.

RND 8: CH 2 (counts as 1 HDC/ or do the STANDING HDC  – work [1 HDC; 2 CH; 2 HDC] into same corner space;
work 1 HDC into next 21 DC.
*Work [2 HDC; 2 CH; 2 HDC] into next corner; work 1 HDC into next 21 DC**
Repeat from * to ** 2 more times; SL ST into 3rd of 3 CH.
(25 DC on each side)
Fasten off and weave in ends.

Rainbow Carpet Square Free Crochet Pattern | Creative Crochet Workshop @creativecrochetworkshop #freecrochetpattern #grannysquare #afghansquare #crochetalong #ccwscrapsrificrainbowblanket

Rainbow Carpet Square Free Crochet Pattern | Creative Crochet Workshop @creativecrochetworkshop #freecrochetpattern #grannysquare #afghansquare #crochetalong #ccwscrapsrificrainbowblanket

If you count the STITCHES from corner to corner (2 CH space to 2 CH space) you SHOULD have 25 STS.
The square should approx measure 6 inches (15 cm)

Rounds 5 and 6 of a 12 inch (30 cm):

NOTE: the CLUSTER worked in THIS round is a 5DCtog Cluster – worked the SAME as a 4DCtog cluster BUT with one more DC!
Note – if the circle is starting to make like a basket – CH 3 and not CH 2.

With color H (azure) – join into any 3 CH space BEFORE a FPDC

RND 5: CH 3 (counts as 1 DC); work 4DCtog into SAME space; CH 2; work 1 FPDC around next FPDC; CH 2;
work CLUSTER into next 3 CH space; CH 2; work 1 FPDC around next Cluster; CH 2.
*Work CLUSTER into next 3 CH space; CH 2; work 1 FPDC around next FPDC; CH 2;
work CLUSTER into next 3 CH space; CH 2; work 1 FPDC around next Cluster; CH 2.**
Repeat from *to** 6 more times.
(16 x Clusters; 16 x FPDC; 32 x 2 CH spaces)
Fasten off and weave in ends.

With color G (turquoise) – join into any 2 CH space BEFORE  FPDC

RND 6: CH 3 (counts as 1 DC/ or do the STANDING DC; work 1 DC into same space; work 1 FPDC around next FPDC; work 2 DC into next 2 CH space; CH 1; work 1 FPDC around next Cluster; CH 1.
*Work 2 DC into next 2 CH space; work 1 FPDC around next FPDC; work 2 DC into next 2 CH space; CH 1; work 1 FPDC around next Cluster; CH 1.** Repeat from * to ** 14 more times.
(32 x FPDC; 64 DC)
Fasten off and weave in ends.


  • The pattern or any portion of it may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the designer.
  • No video tutorials allowed without the express written permission of the designer (no exceptions).
  • The design, pattern, and all images are the property of Joanita Theron Designs/Creative Crochet Workshop.
  • The purchaser (whether free or paid) of this pattern may use it for personal use and/or charity.
  • Sales of the finished items (made by you and not commercial in quantity or production) are encouraged, and credit given to the designer would be most appreciated.

Please respect the amount of time, effort and love that goes into the designing of each of my patterns, and even if they are for free, please send your friends the link and do not send them the pattern.

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