Rainbow Boho Hexagon Crochet Throw Cushion | Joanita Theron Designs @joanitatherondesigns #crochet #crochetcushion #crochethexagon #crochetdecor #freecrochetpattern

Rainbow Boho Hexagon Crochet Throw Cushion

This Rainbow Boho Hexagon Crochet Throw Cushion is a fun and colorful cushion designed with easy hexagons.

Rainbow Boho Hexagon Crochet Throw Cushion | Joanita Theron Designs @joanitatherondesigns #crochet #crochetcushion #crochethexagon #crochetdecor #freecrochetpattern

Also available at YourCrochet.com

Rainbow Boho Hexagon Crochet Throw Cushion

Difficulty Level | Skills Required


Basic stitches in simple variations, simple repeats, color changes, shaping and finishing.

You will need to know basic stitches like SC (single crochet) and DC (double crochet).
Special stitches explained and provided in the instructions – if required


  • Hook – 3, 50 mm (E)
  • Scissors
  • Cushion Inner or Stuffing – check sizing.


Vinnis Colours – DK Nikkim 100% cotton 1 x ball = 50g / 130 yards / 119 meters
Weight – DK (11 wpi) 3: Light.

Approx 625 grams / 1487 meters / 1625 yards (12 ½ balls)

Approx. A – Sunshine = 1 ½ balls / S – Natural = 2 ½ balls.
All other colors approx. ½ ball for each.

For this project I used an assortment of colors.
A – Sunshine; B – Ballet Pink; C – Pink; D – Raspberry; E – Baby Blue; F – Blue Bell; G – Royal Blue; H – Pale Lilac; I – Lilac; J – Violet; K – Mint; L – Avocado; M – Fern; N – Baby Yellow;
O – Orange; P – Sand; Q – Camel; R – Chestnut; S – Natural.

Yarn Substitute:
Using the same type of yarn throughout the project is recommended. The pattern suggests Cotton DK yarn, but you are not limited to this type of yarn. Any yarn can be used if you take into consideration your sizing for the project will differ.

Tension | Gauge

Gauge is NOT necessary for this project to be perfect – using the same yarn and hook will ensure hexagons to remain same size. Blocking can help with adjusting sizing of hexagons.
COUNTING your stitches will ensure a true success of this project!


Rectangle – Approx. Length = 20 inch / 52 cm Width = 10 inches / 25 cm.
Square – Approx. Length and width = 14 inch / 36 cm.

Remember – if you use/choose a different yarn weight/hook size your cushion will be a different size!

Helpful Tips | Hints

  • It is recommended to weave in ends as you go.
  • Because several pieces need to be joined, it is important to count the stitches to ensure success.
  • If you have trouble with tension, please when advised use a larger hook.
  • Most importantly, have fun and enjoy the process.


Abbreviations:  US Terminology

CH – chain
SL ST – slip stitch
SC – single crochet (UK – DC)
HDC – half double crochet (UK – HTR)
DC – double crochet (UK – TR)
TR – treble crochet (UK – DTR)
BLP – back loop
RS – Right side
WS – Wrong side

Special Stitches

How to Work Crochet Popcorn Stitch:

Starting Popcorn:

  • CH 3 – this counts as your FIRST DC.
  • Work 4 double crochet (dc) stitches in the same stitch.
  • Drop the loop from your hook.
  • Insert your hook from front to back under the top 2 loops of the first double crochet of the group.
  • Grab the dropped loop with your hook and pull it through the stitch.


  • Work 5 double crochet (dc) stitches in the same stitch.
  • Drop the loop from your hook.
  • Insert your hook from front to back under the top 2 loops of the first double crochet of the group.
  • Grab the dropped loop with your hook and pull it through the stitch.

How to Work Front-Post Double-Crochet (FPDC):

  • Yarn over and insert your hook from front to back between the posts of the first and second stitch of the row/round below, and then from back to front again between the posts of the second and third stitches.
  • The hook should now be positioned horizontally behind the stitch that you’re working around.
  • Yarn over and draw the yarn around the post of the stitch.
  • You now have 3 loops on the hook.
  • Yarn over and draw the yarn through the 2 loops on the hook, twice.
  • One front post double crochet (FPDC) is complete.


For Rectangle Cushion make 12 hexagons (2 of each color sequence) of Pattern A and 12 hexagons (2 of each color sequence) of Pattern B.
Total =24
For Square Cushion make 12 hexagons (2 of each color sequence) of Pattern A and 12 hexagons (2 of each color sequence) of Pattern B.
Total = 24

Hexagon Color Sequences:

No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 No.5 No. 6
Sunshine (A) Sunshine (A) Sunshine (A) Sunshine (A) Sunshine (A) Sunshine (A)
Ballet Pink (B) Baby Blue (E) Pale Lilac (H) Mint (K) Baby Yellow (N) Sand (P)
Pink (C) Blue Bell (F) Lilac (I) Avocado (L) Sunshine (A) Camel (Q)
Raspberry (D) Royal Blue (G) Violet (J) Fern (M) Orange (O) Chestnut (R)


Rainbow Boho Hexagon Crochet Throw Cushion | Joanita Theron Designs @joanitatherondesigns #crochet #crochetcushion #crochethexagon #crochetdecor Rainbow Boho Hexagon Crochet Throw Cushion | Joanita Theron Designs @joanitatherondesigns #crochet #crochetcushion #crochethexagon #crochetdecor Rainbow Boho Hexagon Crochet Throw Cushion | Joanita Theron Designs @joanitatherondesigns #crochet #crochetcushion #crochethexagon #crochetdecor

Hexagon Pattern A:

With A make a magic circle/or CH 4; SL ST into first CH to form ring.

RND 1: CH 2 (does NOT count as a ST); work 12 DC into ring; SL ST into first DC.
(12 DC)
Fasten off and weave in ends.

With B/E/H/K/N/P join into any DC.

RND 2: CH 3 (counts as 1 DC); work 1 FPDC around SAME DC.
*Work 1 DC into next DC; work 1 FPDC around SAME DC.**
Repeat from * to ** 10 more times; SL ST into 3rd of 3 CH.
(24 STS = 12 DC + 12 FPDC)
Fasten off and weave in ends.

With C/F/I/L/A/Q join into any DC (not FPDC).

RND 3: CH 3 (counts as 1 DC); work 2 DC into SAME DC; work 1 HDC into next ST; work 1 SC into next ST; work 1 HDC into next ST.
*Work 3 DC into next ST; work 1 HDC into next ST; work 1 SC into next ST; work 1 HDC into next ST.**
Repeat from * to ** 4 more times; SL ST into 3rd of 3 CH.
(18 DC; 12 HDC; 6 SC)
Fasten off and weave in ends.

With D/G/J/M/O/R join into the CENTER DC of any 3 DC group.

RND 4: CH 3 (counts as 1 DC); work 2 DC into SAME DC; work 1 FPDC around each of next 5 STS.
*Work 3 DC into next DC; work 1 FPDC around each of next 5 STS.**
Repeat from * to ** 4 more times; SL ST into 3rd of 3 CH.
(18 DC; 30 FPDC)
Fasten off and weave in ends.

Hexagon Pattern B:

With A make a magic circle/or CH 4; SL ST into first CH to form ring.

RND 1: CH 2 (does NOT count as a ST); work 12 DC into ring; SL ST into first DC.
(12 DC)
Fasten off and weave in ends.

With B/E/H/K/N/P into any DC.

RND 2: Work Starting Popcorn into joining DC; CH 1.
*Work Popcorn into next DC; CH 1.**
Repeat from * to ** 4 more times.
(12 Popcorns; 12 x 1 CH spaces).
Fasten off and weave in ends.

With C/F/I/L/A/Q join into any Popcorn.

RND 3: CH 3 (counts as 1 DC); work 2 DC into SAME Popcorn; work 1 HDC into next 1 CH space; work 1 SC into next Popcorn; work 1 HDC into next 1 CH space.
*Work 3 DC into next Popcorn; work 1 HDC into next 1 CH space; work 1 SC into next Popcorn; work 1 HDC into next 1 CH space.**
Repeat from * to ** 4 more times; SL ST into 3rd of 3 CH.
(18 DC; 12 HDC; 6 SC)
Fasten off and weave in ends.

With D/G/J/M/O/R join into the CENTER DC of any 3 DC group.

RND 4: CH 3 (counts as 1 DC); work 2 DC into SAME DC; work 1 FPDC around each of next 5 STS.
*Work 3 DC into next DC; work 1 FPDC around each of next 5 STS.**
Repeat from * to ** 4 more times; SL ST into 3rd of 3 CH.
(18 DC; 30 FPDC)
Fasten off and weave in ends.

For ALL Hexagons:

With S – join into any CENTER DC of 3 DC group.

RND 5: CH 2 (counts as 1 HDC); work 2 HDC into SAME DC; work 1 HDC into each of next 7 STS.
*Work 3 HDC into next ST; work 1 HDC into each of next 7 STS.**
Repeat from * to ** 4 more times; SL ST into 2nd of 2 CH.
(60 HDC)
Fasten off and weave in ends.

Rainbow Boho Hexagon Crochet Throw Cushion | Joanita Theron Designs @joanitatherondesigns #crochet #crochetcushion #crochethexagon #crochetdecor


Join hexagons with the SL ST (slip stitch) method working into the 3rd loops of each HDC stitch.
This is the loop directly after the top two loops.
The short sides are attached to each other to form a tube.
Rectangle – 4 x 4 Hexagons Square – 3 x 3 Hexagon – See Photos and diagrams.

Rainbow Boho Hexagon Crochet Throw Cushion | Joanita Theron Designs @joanitatherondesigns #crochet #crochetcushion #crochethexagon #crochetdecor Rainbow Boho Hexagon Crochet Throw Cushion | Joanita Theron Designs @joanitatherondesigns #crochet #crochetcushion #crochethexagon #crochetdecor Rainbow Boho Hexagon Crochet Throw Cushion | Joanita Theron Designs @joanitatherondesigns #crochet #crochetcushion #crochethexagon #crochetdecor Rainbow Boho Hexagon Crochet Throw Cushion | Joanita Theron Designs @joanitatherondesigns #crochet #crochetcushion #crochethexagon #crochetdecor

Rainbow Boho Hexagon Crochet Throw Cushion | Joanita Theron Designs @joanitatherondesigns #crochet #crochetcushion #crochethexagon #crochetdecor Rainbow Boho Hexagon Crochet Throw Cushion | Joanita Theron Designs @joanitatherondesigns #crochet #crochetcushion #crochethexagon #crochetdecor Rainbow Boho Hexagon Crochet Throw Cushion | Joanita Theron Designs @joanitatherondesigns #crochet #crochetcushion #crochethexagon #crochetdecor Rainbow Boho Hexagon Crochet Throw Cushion | Joanita Theron Designs @joanitatherondesigns #crochet #crochetcushion #crochethexagon #crochetdecor

Rainbow Boho Hexagon Crochet Throw Cushion Diagram | Joanita Theron Designs @joanitatherondesigns #crochet #crochetcushion #crochethexagon #crochetdecor #freecrochetpattern Rainbow Boho Hexagon Crochet Throw Cushion Diagram | Joanita Theron Designs @joanitatherondesigns #crochet #crochetcushion #crochethexagon #crochetdecor

Edges (left and right): Repeat instructions for both sides.

Please Note: this next section requires concentration. Read the instructions carefully FIRST before continuing.

With S – join into any CENTER HDC of any 3 HDC group.

RND 1: *Work 1 SC; work 1 SC into next HDC; work 1 HDC into each of next 2 HDC;
work 1 DC into each of next 2 HDC; work 1 TR into each of next 3 HDC;
work 5TRTOG over next [2 HDC; join space; 2 HDC];
work 1 TR into each of next 3 HDC; work 1 DC into each of next 2 HDC;
work 1 HDC into each of next 2 HDC; work 1 SC into next HDC.**

Repeat from * to ** all around; SL ST into FIRST SC worked.

Total amount of STS worked will depend on cushion and hexagons made.

17 STS per hexagon plus 1 ST for 5TRtog = 18
Rectangle Cushion = 6 hexagons x 18 = 108 STS
Square Cushion = 8 hexagon x 18 = 144 STS

RND 2: CH 2 (counts as 1 HDC); work 1 HDC into each ST all around; SL ST into 2nd of 2 CH. (108/144 HDC)
Fasten off and weave in ends.

Color Sequence – change color after each round.
J/R/G/O/D/M/A – last 3 Rounds worked with S.

With color – join into any HDC.

RND 3 – 12: work into the 3rd loop of each HDC ST.
CH 2 (counts as 1 HDC); work 1 HDC into each ST all around; SL ST into 2nd of 2 CH. (108/144 HDC)
Fasten off and weave in ends.

Bobble Edging:

First Side:

With A – Starting from the right – work Bobbles evenly along the edge pinching the opening close and working through both corresponding stitches.

Bobble Stitch – CH 5; work 4DCtog into 4th CH; CH 1.
SL ST into next 2 HDC.
Repeat from * to ** 25 (rectangle)/ 34 (square) more times; work Bobble one more time; SL ST into last ST.
(27/36 Bobbles)
Fasten off and weave in ends.

Second Side:  Insert cushion inner and repeat instructions.

Rainbow Boho Hexagon Crochet Throw Cushion | Joanita Theron Designs @joanitatherondesigns #crochet #crochetcushion #crochethexagon #crochetdecor #freecrochetpattern


  • The pattern or any portion of it may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the designer.
  • No video tutorials allowed without the express written permission of the designer (no exceptions).
  • The design, pattern, and all images are the property of Joanita Theron Designs/Creative Crochet Workshop.
  • The purchaser (whether free or paid) of this pattern may use it for personal use and/or charity.
  • Sales of the finished items (made by you and not commercial in quantity or production) are encouraged, and credit given to the designer would be most appreciated.

Please respect the amount of time, effort and love that goes into the designing of each of my patterns, and even if they are for free, please send your friends the link and do not send them the pattern.

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