The Oceania Throw | Creative Crochet Workshop @creativecrochetworkshop #freecrochetpattern #grannysquare #afghansquare #crochetalong #ccwcrochetablock2018

The Oceania Throw – Free Crochet Pattern

This Oceania Throw is the joining of the the second set of 9 squares in the 2018 Crochet A Block Crochet Along!
Completely optional to make a separate throw.

The Oceania Throw | Creative Crochet Workshop @creativecrochetworkshop #freecrochetpattern #grannysquare #afghansquare #crochetalong #ccwcrochetablock2018

Basic stitches, simple shaping and finishing.
Concentration required.

Yarn: Weight – DK (11 wpi) 3 : Light – I used cotton yarn – check the main introduction page!
Color – 5 colors – color change indicted in pattern

Hook: 3.25 mm

Size: Throw – approx 32 x 32 inches – Border only approx 3 inches.

Tension/Gauge is not necessary for this project to be perfect

I use US Crochet stitch terminology

CH – chain
SL ST – slip stitch
SC – single crochet
HDC – half double crochet
DC – double crochet
TR – treble crochet
BLP – back loop

CLICK HERE FOR THE FULL DETAILS  plus all the links to all the squares!

The Oceania Throw | Creative Crochet Workshop @creativecrochetworkshop #freecrochetpattern #grannysquare #afghansquare #crochetalong #ccwcrochetablock2018

Special Stitches:

FPTR – front post treble crochet

Yarn over 2 times, insert your hook from front to back to front around the post of the next stitch, yarn over, pull up a loop, (yarn over, pull thru 2 loops on your hook) 3 times.

For a photo & Video Tutorial Click Here!


COLORS: Natural – A; Pebble – B; Skyfall – C; Coaldust- D; Seashore – E


The Joining:

With Seashore – E

Position your squares in the order you would like to join them;
then starting with your first square;

START in ANY corner:

Work 1 SC; CH 1; 1 SC into corner;
*(SKIP next 2 DC; CH 3; work 1 SC into next DC) 11 times;
CH 3; work [1 SC; 1 CH; 1 SC] into next corner.
Repeat from * 3 more times; SL ST into FIRST SC worked;
Fasten off and weave in ends.

Then repeat the instructions for each square – following the joining sequence int photo below:

Square Two; Three; Four & Seven: repeat instructions for 3 sides; then on forth side do the following;
Work [1 SC; 1 CH; 1 SC] into next corner;
*SKIP 2 DC; CH 1; work SL ST into OPPOSITE 3 CH OF 1 ST/2ND/4TH SQUARE; CH 1;
work 1 SC into next DC.
Repeat from 10 times; CH 1; work SL ST into OPPOSITE 3 CH OF 1 ST SQUARE; CH 1.
SL ST into FIRST SC worked.

Square Five; Six; Eight & Nine: repeat instructions for 2 sides; then on 3rd AND 4th side do the following;
Work [1 SC; 1 CH; 1 SC] into next corner;
*SKIP 2 DC; CH 1; work SL ST into OPPOSITE 3 CH OF 2nd; 3rd; 4th; 5th; 6th SQUARE; CH 1;
work 1 SC into next DC.
Repeat from 10 times; CH 1; work SL ST into OPPOSITE 3 CH OF 1 ST SQUARE; CH 1.
SL ST into FIRST SC worked.

NOTE: WHEN WORKING THE JOINING CORNERS – SL ST into opposite corner 1 CH space.

The Oceania Throw joining sequence| Creative Crochet Workshop @creativecrochetworkshop #freecrochetpattern #grannysquare #afghansquare #crochetalong #ccwcrochetablock2018

The Oceania Throw joining | Creative Crochet Workshop @creativecrochetworkshop #freecrochetpattern #grannysquare #afghansquare #crochetalong #ccwcrochetablock2018

The Border:

NOTE: concentration is required, but easy once pattern in established.

With Natural – A

Join into any corner with a SC (STARTING SC);
RND 1: *(Work [1 HDC; 1 DC; 1 TR] into next 3 CH space; work 1 TR into next SC;
work [1 TR; 1 DC; 1 HDC] into next 3 CH space; work 1 SC into next SC) 5 TIMES;
THEN work [1 HDC; 1 DC; 1 TR] into next 3 CH space; work 1 TR into next SC;
work [1 TR; 1 DC; 1 HDC] into next 3 CH space; work 1 SC into next JOIN.
Repeat from * all across until next corner***; work [1 SC; 1 CH; 1 SC] into corner.**
then repeat instructions from * to ** twice more;
then repeat instructions from * to *** once more;
work 1 SC; 1 CH into NEXT corner; SL ST into STARTING SC.
Fasten off and weave in ends.

With Pebble – B

Join into any corner SC – the SC NEXT to a ‘wave’ with a SC (STARTING SC)

RND 2: *Work 1 SC into every st across until next corner;
work 1 SC into corner SC; CH 3; work 1 SC into corner SC.**
Repeat from * to ** 2 more times.
Work 1 SC into every st across until last corner;
work 1 SC into corner SC; CH 3; SL ST into STARTING SC.
Fasten off and weave in ends.

With Skyfall – C

Join into any corner with a SC – the SC NEXT to a ‘wave’ with a SC (STARTING SC)
RND 3: *(Work [1 HDC; 1 DC; 1 DC] into next 3 SC; work 1 FPTR into around RND 1 TR;
work [1 DC; 1 DC; 1 HDC] into next 3 SC; work 1 SC into next SC).
Repeat from * until next corner; work 1 SC into corner SC; CH 3; work 1 SC into corner SC.**
Repeat from * to ** 3 more times; omitting the corner instructions for the LAST corner;
work 1 SC into corner SC; CH 3; SL ST into STARTING SC.
Fasten off and weave in ends.

With Coaldust – D

NOTE: Picot – CH 3; SL ST into 3rd CH from hook

Join into any corner with a SC – the SC NEXT to a ‘wave’ with a SC (STARTING SC)
RND 4 (final): **
Work 1 SC into next 3 STS;
*work [1 SC; Picot; 1 SC] into next TR; work 1 SC into next 7 STS.
Repeat from * across UNTIL LAST 3 STS BEFORE CORNER; work 1 SC into last 3 STS;
work 1 SC into corner SC; work 2 SC into 3 CH space; Picot; work 1 SC into 3 CH space; work 1 SC into corner SC.***
Repeat from ** to *** 3 more times; omitting the corner instructions for the LAST corner;
work 1 SC into corner SC; work 2 SC into 3 CH space; Picot; work 1 SC into 3 CH space; SL ST into STARTING SC.
Fasten off and weave in ends.

The Oceania Throw border | Creative Crochet Workshop @creativecrochetworkshop #freecrochetpattern #grannysquare #afghansquare #crochetalong #ccwcrochetablock2018 The Oceania Throw border | Creative Crochet Workshop @creativecrochetworkshop #freecrochetpattern #grannysquare #afghansquare #crochetalong #ccwcrochetablock2018

 The Oceania Throw | Creative Crochet Workshop @creativecrochetworkshop #freecrochetpattern #grannysquare #afghansquare #crochetalong #ccwcrochetablock2018


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